Rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev has the rare gift of creating and holding sacred learning space. His personal presence is open, curious, accepting, and encouraging. All are equally invited to be learners and teachers. Rabbi Nahum’s ongoing study of prophets throughout time speaks powerfully to the questions, conflicts and issues of our age. One emerges from such a discussion feeling re-energized and hopeful.
Joy Rosenberg, Director of Education, Temple Beth Shalom
I had the good fortune to be a student of Nahum’s when he taught a seven part series on the prophetic imagination for the multifaith Community of Living Traditions at Stony Point Center. This is the kind of textual study I most enjoy: deep engagement with the text grounded in a clear-sighted appreciation for the implications for all of us as we confront the challenges in the world today. Nahum’s style as a teacher is totally engaging because of his of his deep commitment to learn alongside the students. Though he has worked and reworked the material for years, as a student I felt he was actually incorporating the insights of those of us who were taking the class, which made the conversation feel fresh and exciting!
Rick Ufford-Chase, Co-Director of Stony Point Center
As someone without a religious background and with no familiarity with the Bible, I was reluctant to join Nahum’s Beit Midrash class. I screwed up my courage, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The seven years of reading, discussing, pondering, delving and musing have been for me an invaluable experience. I have identified with characters and struggled with them to find a moral path in a confusing world. Most of all, Nahum has built for all of us a remarkable community, where we are able to learn from and support each other.
Lucy Moore, author
I have been rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev’s student during these current tumultuous times. I’m not overstating when I say that his understanding of the prophetic tradition and a Torah approach to justice has helped me immeasurably, both as a person and as a writer. His understanding, and how he communicates that, speaks directly to a person’s moral core. He bridges ancient and contemporary wisdom, and inspires.
Miriam Sagan, poet and author
Over four years ago my wife and I embarked on a study of Torah, a faith journey led in a Beit Midrash led by Rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev. My purpose was to learn more about my Jewish roots, and to grow in faith in the Living Presence. I am continuously humbled and honored to be a part of this learning community of 20 inquisitive and interactive travelers. Far from didactic, Rabbi’s guidance encourages broad and deep analysis of Torah text, and most importantly leads us to bring these ancient teachings into contemporary relevance. This study continues to be the most important faith journey I have ever taken, enhanced by the interaction with my fellow travelers, and in the presence of a gifted rabbinical leader.
Dick Haber, businessman